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Jul/Aug 2017
7 3D Imaging Market: Global Opportunity 3D Imaging
Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014-2022 3D vision system detects gear defects fast
Allied Market Research forecasts that the global Mesure-Systems3D has developed a non-
3D imaging market is expected to garner $21,341 contact 3D scanning system to quickly perform
million by 2022, registering a CAGR of 24.67% 100% in-line inspection of gears right on the
during the period. 24 shop floor.
8 CMOS imaging sensor market still in strong APPLICATIONS & SOLUTIONS
growth path
CMOS image sensors represented a $10.3 billion 26 3D Imaging
market in 2015, but grew to $11.6 billion in 3D color inspecting achieve huge leap in
2016. From 2016 to 2022, according to Yole PCB quality inspection
Développement (Yole), the market will grow at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.5%. Systems using Silicon Software’s external image
processing device LightBridge could provide high
precision 3D image, which could inspect the
TECHNOLOGY TRENDS PCB components and welding spots effectively.
11 Systems Integration 28 Smart Camera
3D vision system inspects connector pin height Smart camera checks currency for
G2 Technologies has developed an automated counterfeits C
connector inspection system based on machine-vision Open-source software and modular embedded
non-contact 3D inspection, which provides strong hardware facilitates the rapid development of M
quality assurance for connectors. systems to detect counterfeit banknotes. Y
12 Lighting and Illumination 33 Video Interface CM
UV lighting targets passport security and Machine vision brings cost and clinical MY
adhesive inspection benefits to medical imaging CY
Reflected UV and UV fluorescence imaging are Using GigE Vision or USB3 Vision video
different imaging techniques that can be used to interface, it helps to design and update medical CMY
detect features that may not be detected using imaging systems, reduce time-to-market, reduce K
longer wavelengths. risk, reduce system cost and complexity, and
provide good interoperability and performance
14 LED Illumination benefits.
LED illumination spans the electromagnetic
spectrum 36 3D Inspection
Designers, developers and integrators of LED 最突出点 3D precision visual technology plays huge
illumination products can take advantage of the
LED roles in automobile parts inspection
numerous LED products that span the UV, visible Three-dimensional visual technology from
and IR spectrum. Coherix, can quickly measure the shape of
a) precise machined parts and provide high-
20 Image Processing Software precision surface 3D view.
Software packages offer developers numerous
options for machine vision design 6 EDITOR'S NOTES
In choosing software packages, it is important to 9 LEADING EDGE SNAPSHOTS
realize the functionality these provide, the hardware
supported and how easily such software can be 40 PRODUCTS HIGHLIGHTS
configured to solve a particular machine vision task. 44 AD INDEX
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雅时国际商讯(ACT International)成立于1998年,为高速增长的中国市场中广大高技术行业服务。ACT通过它的一系列产品-包括杂志和网上出版物、培训、会议和活动-为跨国公司及中国企业架设了拓展中国市场的桥
梁。 ACT的产品包括多种技术杂志和相关的网站,以及各种技术会议,服务于机器视觉设计、电子制造、激光/ 光电子、射频/ 微波、化合物半导体、洁净及污染控制、电磁兼容等领域的约十多万专业读者。ACT 亦是若干世
About ACT International Media Group
ACT International, established 1998, serves a wide range of high technology sectors in the high-growth China market. Through its range of products -- including magazines and online publishing, training, conferences and events -- ACT delivers
proven access to the China market for international marketing companies and local enterprises. ACT's portfolio includes multiple technical magazine titles and related websites plus a range of conferences serving more than 100,000 professional
readers in fields of electronic manufacturing, vision system design, laser/photonics, RF/microwave, cleanroom and contamination control, compound semiconductor, and Electromagnetic Compatibility. ACT International is also the sales
representative for a number of world leading technical publishers and event organizers. ACT is headquartered in Hong Kong and operates liaison offices in Beijing, Shanghai,Shenzhen and Wuhan.
4 Jul/Aug 2017 视觉系统设计 Vision Systems Design China