Page 7 - VSDC_MayJun2018_eMag
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May/Jun  2018                                 快速、灵活、功能齐全

                                                                                             目录 CONTENTS

                                                                    COVER STORY         APPLICATIONS & SOLUTIONS
                                                                    3D vision
                                                                    3D vision helps robot         30  In-line inspection
                                                                    pick small parts from             Machine vision system
                                                                    large bins                        provides 100% in-line
                                                                                                      inspection of valve body

                                                    MARKET TRENDS                                 32  Stereo vision
                                                                                                      Stereo vision system
                                                    8   Artificial Intelligence poised for            measures connector pin
                                                       growth in embedded vision and image            height and position
                                                       processing applications
                                                    10  Machine vision camera companies           36  Motion control
                                                       expand focus to include embedded               The Application of
                                                       vision                                         Delta Multi-axis Motion
                                                                                                      Controller DVP-10MC
                                                    TECHNOLOGY TRENDS                                 Series in Feeding System

                                                              16  Machine vision software         40  Bar code identification
                                                                 Deep learning technology             Machine vision is used to
                                                                 usage on the rise in                 optimize efficiency and
                                                                                                                                              新型 Linea  ML 相机
                                                                 machine vision software              quality in steel mills.                                                 ™

                                                              18  Lens choices                    42  Photoelectric sensing
                                                                 Lens choices abound for              Photoelectric sensor                    多线 CMOS 高动态范围 (HDR), 彩色,
                                                                 vision system designers              provides a comprehensive
                                                                                                      solution for warehousing                和多光谱功能
                                                                                                      and logistics
                                                              23  Nanoparticles Imaging
                                                                 Optical system images   THINKINGS & VIEWPOINTS                                Linea ML 相机采用最新的 CMOS 技术,
                                                                 nanoparticles in       44  Reviewing the ten years development
                                                                 biopharmaceuticals         of industrial digital cameras in China             开创了检测应用的新境界;极具性价比
                                                                                            market                                             的多线芯片为您带来最新、最强大的检
                                                  <4.191 mm  <3.997 mm
                                                  <4.697 mm  <3.526 mm
                                                              24  Coaxial-brightfield illumination
                                                  <3.203 mm  <3.054 mm
                                                  <2.709 mm  <2.583 mm                                                                         测技术。
                                                  <2.215 mm  <2.112 mm
                                                  <1.720 mm  <1.641 mm  Using coaxial-brightfield   INTERVIEW
                                                  <1.226 mm  <1.169 mm
                                                  <0.732 mm  <0.698 mm
                                                                 illumination to improve 3D   47  48MP global shutter CMOS image sensor         行频280KHZ, 新一代CLHS光纤接口
                                                  <0.238 mm  <0.227 mm
                                                                 measurements               will soon be mass-produced at ams
                                                              6   EDITOR'S NOTES        48  PRODUCTS HIGHLIGHTS                                 时分多场成像(单一次扫描明场/暗场)
                                                              12  LEADING EDGE SNAPSHOTS 52  AD INDEX
                                                                                                                                                长线缆,低成本, 高可靠性                                         Linea ML 相机
                                                    关于雅时国际商讯 (ACT International)
                                                    雅时国际商讯(ACT International)成立于1998年,为高速增长的中国市场中广大高技术行业服务。ACT通过它的一系列产品-包括杂志和网上出
                                                    版物、培训、会议和活动-为跨国公司及中国企业架设了拓展中国市场的桥梁。 ACT的产品包括多种技术杂志和相关的网站,以及各种技术会议,
                                                    服务于机器视觉设计、电子制造、激光/ 光电子、射频/ 微波、化合物半导体、洁净及污染控制、电磁兼容等领域的约十多万专业读者。ACT 亦是
                                                    About ACT International Media Group
                                                    ACT International, established 1998, serves a wide range of high technology sectors in the high-growth China market. Through its range of products --
                                                    including magazines and online publishing, training, conferences and events -- ACT delivers proven access to the China market for international marketing
                                                    companies and local enterprises. ACT's portfolio includes multiple technical magazine titles and related websites plus a range of conferences serving more than
                                                    100,000 professional readers in fields of electronic manufacturing, vision system design, laser/photonics, RF/microwave, cleanroom and contamination control,
                                                    compound semiconductor, and Electromagnetic Compatibility. ACT International is also the sales representative for a number of world leading technical
                                                    publishers and event organizers. ACT is headquartered in Hong Kong and operates liaison offices in Beijing, Shanghai,Shenzhen and Wuhan.   欲详细了解Linea ML相机的功能,请访问
                 4   May/Jun  2018                                                 视觉系统设计   Vision Systems Design China

                                                                                                                                                                         Teledyne DALSA / Linea ML Ad
                                                                                                                                                                       2018 VSDC Seminar Advertisement
                                                                                                                                                                       210 x 285 mm deep (+ bleed) / Color
                                                                                                                                                                           Thursday, April 26, 2018
                                                                                                                                                        Teledyne DALSA, 605 McMurray Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada  N2V 2E9
                                                                                                                                                                T: 519-886-6000  |
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