Page 6 - VSDC_JulAug2018_eMag
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Jul/Aug  2018

                                                                                      目录 CONTENTS

                                                            COVER STORY
                                                            Vision Systems Design announces 2018 Innovators Awards
                                                            Vision Systems Design held its 2018 Innovators Awards program,
                                                            which  celebrates  the  disparate  and  innovative  technologies,
                                                            products, and systems found in machine vision and imaging.

                                            MARKET TRENDS                        APPLICATIONS & SOLUTIONS

                                            6   Machine vision trends 2018 and             33  Robot-carried vision system
                                                beyond                                        Robot-carried vision
                                            7   A look at the progression of machine          system inspects engine
                                                vision technology over the last three         block surfaces
                                                                                           36  LWIR camera
                                                                                              The Long Wavelength
                                            TECHNOLOGY TRENDS                                 Infrared (LWIR) camera
                                                                                              market heats up
                                                      10  Cloud computing
                                           Latitude: -18.5754 Longitude: 23.4646
                                                          Cloud computing: the
                                                          next frontier for vision         38  Multi camera intelligent
                                           Legend:        software                            system
                                             Class 1 -  Class 2 -  Class 3 -  Class 4 - Haze  Class 5 -  Class 6 -  Class 7 -
                                            ALI Flood  Background  Opaque Clouds: Cloud Shadow: and Thin Clouds: Clear Water: Turbid Water: Dry Land:
                                           Classication                                      In-Sight VC200 achieves
                                                                                              high efficiency and
                                                                                              high precision assembly
                                                      15  Industrial cameras
                                                                                              of air-to-air missile
                                                                                           Task, Task1, Task2, 分别代表了三个
                                                          High dynamic range               相机的程序,彼此分开编写,又
                                                                                              important components
                                                          imaging in modern                VC200多相机智能系统相对于传统
                                                          industrial cameras
                                                                                 THINKINGS & VIEWPOINTS
                                                      17  Portable fundus cameras  40  Awakening of consciousness:
                                                          Low-cost components        Rethinking the industrial digital
                                                          make portable fundus       cameras in China in the past ten
                                                          cameras a reality          years
                                                                                 5   EDITOR'S NOTES
                                                      20  CoaXPress
                                                          CoaXPress gains support   8   LEADING EDGE SNAPSHOTS
                                                          as bandwidth rises     42  PRODUCTS HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                 44  AD INDEX

                                            关于雅时国际商讯 (ACT International)
                                                     雅时国际商讯(ACT International)成立于1998年,为高速增长的中国市场中广大高技术行业服务。ACT通过它的一系列产品-
                                                     包括杂志和网上出版物、培训、会议和活动-为跨国公司及中国企业架设了拓展中国市场的桥梁。 ACT的产品包括多种技术杂
                                                     志和相关的网站,以及各种技术会议,服务于机器视觉设计、电子制造、激光/ 光电子、射频/ 微波、化合物半导体、洁净及污
                                                     染控制、电磁兼容等领域的约十多万专业读者。ACT 亦是若干世界领先技术出版社及展会的销售代表。ACT总部在香港,在北
                                            About ACT International Media Group
                                            ACT International, established 1998, serves a wide range of high technology sectors in the high-growth China market. Through its range of products --
                                            including magazines and online publishing, training, conferences and events -- ACT delivers proven access to the China market for international marketing
                                            companies and local enterprises. ACT's portfolio includes multiple technical magazine titles and related websites plus a range of conferences serving more than
                                            100,000 professional readers in fields of electronic manufacturing, vision system design, laser/photonics, RF/microwave, cleanroom and contamination control,
                                            compound semiconductor, and Electromagnetic Compatibility. ACT International is also the sales representative for a number of world leading technical
                                            publishers and event organizers. ACT is headquartered in Hong Kong and operates liaison offices in Beijing, Shanghai,Shenzhen and Wuhan.
          4  Jul/Aug  2018                                                  视觉系统设计   Vision Systems Design China
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